Friday, June 25, 2010

Response Requested: Have You Promoted the District Community Golf Tournament in YOUR UNIT?

Patriot District Unit Leaders,


As you know, the District is planning a special Friends of Scouting Community Golf Tournament to be held at General’s Ridge Golf Course on August 30, 2010 (see the attached flyer for more information or go to the event website


Several weeks ago I asked for your help in informing your Community, Friends, other Unit Leaders, and Unit Parents about the event. Could you send me a quick email saying the following:

  1. How you have promoted the event
  2. What additional resources you need to promote this event further

If I don’t hear from your Unit in a week or so, please expect a call from me. With your continued support we can make this event a great success and provide critical financial resources to support Scouting in our area. I greatly appreciate your assistance!




Chip Black

Patriot District Finance Committee

Ph. 703-477-6380



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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Youth Protection Training Now Mandatory for All Scouters

From the Patriot District Commissioner:

There is a new BSA policy on Youth Protection Training. Please linked document carefully and pass on to your units. This was a surprise to volunteers and professional staff alike. Bottom line – new adult applicants will have to complete YPT and submit the certificate with their application. Scouters cannot reregister if YPT is not current.

The Council has posted an FAQ as well.

Tony Ryan
Patriot District Commissioner